Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub

Welcome to Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub!

Greenwich SitP is currently the only branch of SitP in South East London. The idea is simple: Once a month, we all meet up in a pub to hear a guest speaker and enjoy a drink or three.

The Royal Park of Greenwich and the National Maritime Museum, from the Observatory. Backdrop: the Canary Wharf business district. Source: Wikipedia Commons

Our regular meet-up spot is the Star of Greenwich (60 Old Woolwich Road, 
Greenwich, SE10 9NY), where we gather on the second Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noted. Talks will begin at 7:30pm. Although the talks are free and open to all, we would appreciate a small contribution towards covering speakers’ expenses (suggested donation: £3).

Stay updated on our latest events right here on our website, or connect with us on:

We look forward to seeing you at one of our informal gatherings soon!

Our Next Talk

Genes, Environment, Chance and Free (?) Will

Professor Yulia Kovas
Goldsmiths, University of London

13 November 2024 Wednesday 19:30

The Star of Greenwich
60 Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich – SE10 9NY

Genetics is the fastest developing field in the history of human knowledge. New insights into gene-environment-chance interplay have implications for conceptualising success and failure, praise and blame, determinism and malleability, expectation effects, added value in education and health, fairness, and (free?) will. Yet, genetic findings are poorly understood by most, including by well educated people. For example, genetic knowledge is on average low among teachers, lawyers, judges and other professionals. Poor genetic literacy can form a foundation for a system of erroneous beliefs and potentially harmful attitudes, decisions and actions. In this talk, I will describe recent genetic advances, findings from genetically informative studies in cognition, personality and behaviour, as well as research on genetic knowledge and attitudes. I will discuss promises and challenges of using genetic findings to benefit people.

December 2024

How They Hide The Truth From You

Meirion Jones
Investigative journalist

11 December 2024 Wednesday 19:30

The Star of Greenwich
60 Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich – SE10 9NY

Twenty years ago the Freedom of Information Act was just coming into effect. It was going to be a new dawn of open government. Hoorah! For a brief window Whitehall’s deepest secrets were on view – some of them revealed by Meirion – and then Tony Blair realised that the last thing he needed was the cat out of the bag. Find out how the Cabinet Office has managed to run a Clearing House – AKA Blocking House – concealing national and local government corruption and wrongdoing ever since. It is at its worst under Rishi Sunak but could we persuade a new government to let the sunlight in?

Meirion is best known for investigations into Bogus Bomb Detectors, Jimmy Savile, Vulture Funds and the Fake Sheikh. His stories have led to changes in the law and bad people going to jail.

Jeremy Paxman accused Meirion of exhibiting that “obsessional, slightly nutty commitment that marks out all successful investigative reporters”.

Greenwich SitP gratefully acknowledges the support of Goldsmiths, University of London. All views expressed are those of individual speakers and are not necessarily endorsed by Goldsmiths.