Bedford Skeptics

We’re a group of free-thinking people in Bedford who like to get together in a casual atmosphere and talk about interesting things.

Each month, we find a speaker – typically a scientist or prominent skeptic who will speak for around 40 minutes.  The subjects of the talks vary, but they will typically be about a common belief that either cannot be justified by the available evidence, or that can actually be demonstrated to be false by the available evidence – or else something that is just plain interesting or contentious.

Examples of subjects we have already covered are: Electric cars, Hypnotism, Fracking, The Alpha Course, Prostitution, Policing, Spin in Lobbying, Futurology, Academy Schools, Income Inequality and a whole lot more to come.

The talk is followed by a chance to question the speaker yourself, or just relax and listen to what people have to say.

Meetings are usually on the third Thursday of the month. Arrive at 7:00pm for a 7:30 start. Why not come along and join in? 

Please note that after our April 2024 meeting, we are moving to a bi-monthly timetable. For full details, scroll down to the ‘Events’ section.

Non-skeptics are not only welcome, they’re actively encouraged!

Location: The North End Social Club, 60 Roff Avenue, Bedford, MK41 7TW

Ring the bell and wait to be admitted – our private room is immediately on the left.

Note: Disabled access is from the rear, car park side, under the fire escape.

Bedford Skeptics meetings are organised by Bedfordshire Humanists


Please note, Bedford Skeptics events are now Bi-Monthly.

(Jan. / Mar. / May / Jul. / Sept. / Nov.)

Thursday 17th October 2024

No event this month.

Thursday 21st November 2024

Phone Calls From The Dead?

Dr. Callum Cooper

This evening shall take you on an exploration of alleged Phone Calls from the Dead. Often, they have been associated with ‘After-Death Communication’ experiences, where reports occur of deceased individuals allegedly making contact. However, unusual reports of telephone calls from living individuals and perceived ‘extra-terrestrials’ have been documented too. Cal will be presenting examples of such cases, the history, controversies, theories and more… ring, ring!

Dr Cal Cooper is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Northampton. He lectures on parapsychology, positive psychology, thanatology, sexual behaviour and social psychology. He is the author and editor of five books to date, including ‘Telephone Calls from the Dead’ and ‘Psi in Psychotherapy’ and over 100 papers and articles. He is the recipient of such awards as the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship (2009, Parapsychology Foundation), a runner up of the Ockham’s Razor Award (The Skeptic/QEDcon, 2018), and the D. Scott Rogo Award for Media (2021, Parapsychology Foundation).

Thursday 19th December 2024

No event this month.

Thursday 16th January 2025

A Talk from Our Local Political Scientist

Dr. Colin Talbot

This evening we’ll be joined by our very own Bedford based Political Scientist, Dr. Colin Talbot.

The subject is yet to be determined. But given the political upheavals of recent years and the arrival of a new UK government, there’s plenty to discuss!

He was a previously a professor at the University of Manchester and held the Chair of Government in the School of Social Sciences. He is now Professor Emeritus at Manchester and a research associate at the University of Cambridge. He has also been an adviser to UK Parliamentary Committees on HM Treasury and on Public Administration.

Thursday 20th February 2025

No event this month.