
This is the podcast version of the Skeptics in the Pub Online live-streamed talks. We take the audio and give it to you in a nice easy podcast feed for you to listen at your pleasure. All of the talks are still available on our YouTube channel if you want to see any visuals/slides/etc. We release the live shows as we do them on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month and on weeks when there isn't a live show, we release an episode from the archive.

RETRO: Say Why to Drugs – Suzi Gage

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RETRO: Say Why to Drugs – Suzi Gage

Dr Suzi Gage is a senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool, researching links between recreational drug use and mental health. In 2016 she started the award-winning Say Why to Drugs podcast with rapper and actor Scroobius Pip, exploring the science around drugs, and busting the myths that exist around them, from alcohol to LSD, MDMA to heroin. In 2020 she published Say Why To Drugs the book – giving a really deep dive in to the drugs we take, and why we get high.

Endless Forms: The secret world of wasps – Seirian Sumner

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Endless Forms: The secret world of wasps - Seirian Sumner

There’s a lot more to wasps than your stripy picnic friend: wasps matter to you and the world. There are five times more species of wasps than bees; there are wasps that have sex inside plants; there are wasps that turn cockroaches into zombies. Wasps taught us how to make paper; wasps are architects, guardians of microorganisms, invaders, pollinators, seed dispersers and predators. They are nature’s pest-controllers; their endless forms are windows into evolution’s most remarkable inventions; they are pharmacists; they might even hold a cure for cancer. I guarantee that a journey into the secret world of wasps will blow your mind.

Seirian is a Professor of behavioural ecology at University College London. She studies social insects to understand their behaviour, ecology, evolution and role in ecosystems. She is especially fond of wasps, and is working hard to give them a PR makeover. As part of these efforts, she co-founded the Big Wasp Survey in 2017 – a citizen science project to engage the public with social wasps in their back yard. And in May 2022 her book ‘Endless Forms: The secret world of wasps’ – was published, giving everyone a reason to better appreciate wasps.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

RETRO: Street Epistemology – Conversation Without Chaos – Anthony Magnabosco

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RETRO: Street Epistemology – Conversation Without Chaos – Anthony Magnabosco

Engaging someone on a belief they hold in an effective manner is rarely easy, particularly if that belief is tied to one’s identity. So, imagine approaching strangers in public and attempting to engage them in a calm, respectful exploration of that belief, using a conversational technique known as Street Epistemology.

You’ve also got to seek their permission to film the encounter, and post it to YouTube for the world to see. Anthony Magnabosco has been doing just that for nearly a decade now. His YouTube channel now contains hundreds of these conversations. In this interview we’ll be turning the tables on him somewhat to find out what on earth made him decide to do this, how effective it is, and how we can adopt similar techniques.

Anthony Magnabosco is a skeptic and atheist from San Antonio Texas. As well as his well documented conversations on YouTube, he has appeared on The Thinking Atheist, The Atheist Experience, Cognitive Dissonance, and The David Pakman Show, to name a few. He is also a Founder and the current Executive Director of the new nonprofit organization Street Epistemology International. Anthony has given countless talks and workshops at conferences and events across the United States as well as internationally. Perhaps the most notable of these International appearances for our audience were his packed out workshops at QED in 2017.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

Mathematical Intelligence: What we have that machines don’t – Junaid Mubeen

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Mathematical Intelligence: What we have that machines don’t – Junaid Mubeen

There’s so much talk about the threat posed by intelligent machines that it sometimes seems as though we should surrender to our robot overlords now. But Junaid Mubeen isn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. As far as he is concerned, we have the edge over machines because of a remarkable system of thought developed over the millennia. It’s familiar to us all, but often badly taught and misrepresented in popular discourse – maths. Computers are brilliant at totting up sums, pattern-seeking and performing, well, computation. But Junaid has identified seven areas of intelligence where humans can retain a crucial edge. This talk will explore some of these areas and challenge some of the hype that surrounds today’s AI by suggesting that they are not so easily automated.

Junaid is a mathematician turned educator, writer and speaker. He has spent the past decade developing innovative learning technologies and is currently working with bestselling science author Simon Singh on developing the world’s largest online maths circle at parallel.org.uk. He is author of Mathematical Intelligence: What we have that machines don’t, which examines the role of mathematics in the age of AI. Junaid has a DPhil in mathematics from Oxford and a Master’s in Education from Harvard. He earned fleeting fame in 2008 as a series winner of television game show Countdown.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

RETRO: REBEL CELL – A New View of Cancer – Dr Kat Arney

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RETRO: REBEL CELL – A New View of Cancer – Dr Kat Arney

Many of us think of cancer as a contemporary killer, a disease of our own making caused by our modern lifestyles. But that’s not true. Although it might be rare in many species, cancer is the enemy lurking within almost every living creature. Cancer has always been with us. It killed our hominid ancestors, the mammals they evolved from and the dinosaurs that trampled the ground before that. Why? Because cancer is a bug in the system of life. We get cancer because we can’t not get it. Geneticist and science writer Dr Kat Arney takes us to the dawn of life on planet earth right up to the present day to get to the heart of what cancer really is and how by better understanding its evolutionary journey we might one day overcome it.

Dr Kat Arney is an award-winning science writer, broadcaster and public speaker. She is the author of How to Code a Human and the critically acclaimed Herding Hemingway’s Cats: Understanding how our genes work. Kat has spent more than 15 years working in science journalism and communication and was a key part of the science communications team at Cancer Research UK for more than a decade, co-founding the charity’s award-winning Science Blog, and acting as a principal national and international media spokesperson. Kat also presents the popular Genetics Unzipped podcast for The Genetics Society and has fronted several BBC Radio 4 science documentaries including the recent series Ingenious, looking at the stories behind our genes.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

Was that just luck? The inconsistent world of superstition, privilege, and the illusion of control. – Aaron Rabinowitz

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Was that just luck? The inconsistent world of superstition, privilege, and the illusion of control. – Aaron Rabinowitz

We all use the term ‘luck’ every day, but do we know what we mean when we say it? Research suggests that people generally have nascent, internally inconsistent accounts of luck, and that accounts vary significantly across individuals and cultures. This variation and lack of consistent usage could have significant impacts on research about belief in free will and moral responsibility, as well as how individuals approach many aspects of their lives. I’ll discuss what people seem to believe about luck and what the options are for more developed approaches.

Aaron Rabinowitz is a secular moral philosophy educator with 10+ years experience helping students develop their capacities for flourishing and value centered community organizing. He’s currently working on a PhD in education at Rutgers University, with a focus on developing a new pedagogy of luck. The new approach centers the problem of moral luck as a way to short circuit compulsive meritocratic behavior and replace it with greater compassion, humility, and personal fulfillment. He’s also the host of two philosophy podcasts, Embrace the Void, and Philosophers in Space which he co-hosts with Thomas Smith. His extended research interests include emerging technologies, personhood, conspiracism, and counterculture memetics.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

RETRO: Food and Sustainability: The Truth About Hunger – Anthony Warner

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RETRO: Food and Sustainability: The Truth About Hunger – Anthony Warner

The production of food has more negative impacts on the planet than any other human activity. Over the next thirty years, we desperately need to make huge changes to the way we produce and consume food, otherwise, the effect on the natural world will be devastating. This talk will explain how misinformation is one of the most powerful forces preventing this from happening and explore a series of cognitive biases that push us towards misinformation on these issues, thereby resulting in widespread confusion, apathy, and lack of action.

Anthony Warner is a professional chef, blogger and author of The Angry Chef, a Guardian Best Food Book of the Year and winner in the Health and Lifestyle category at the inaugural Hearst Big Book Awards. He was once asked on Moral Maze if he would eat his own dog, and regularly appears on Radio 4. He lives in Lincolnshire,

Website: angry-chef.com
Twitter: @One_Angry_Chef.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

Weird World of the Very Very Small – Dr Steve Barrett

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Weird World of the Very Very Small – Dr Steve Barrett

How do we describe the world on a scale of atoms and molecules? The concepts underlying quantum mechanics seem to be at odds with common sense, but quantum theory describes reality on the atomic scale.

Dr Steve Barrett is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. His research interests have centred around the applications of imaging and spectroscopy to fields such as nanoscience, geomaterials, biomedical imaging and infrared spectroscopy.

He is an expert in image processing and image analysis and has written image analysis software that has been used by researchers throughout the world.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

RETRO: Yes, Debunking Works – Even in a Pandemic! – Tim Caulfield

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RETRO: Yes, Debunking Works – Even in a Pandemic! – Tim Caulfield

The spread of harmful misinformation is a defining characteristic of this pandemic. It has led to deaths, financial loss, increased stigma, health policy challenges, and added to the chaotic information environment. We must counter this “infodemic” with evidence-based communication strategies. Despite concerns about the “backfire effect” and debunking works, if done well!

Timothy Caulfield is a Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, a Professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Public Health, and Research Director of the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta. His interdisciplinary research on topics like stem cells, genetics, research ethics, the public representations of science and public health policy has allowed him to publish over 350 academic articles. He has won numerous academic and writing awards and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He contributes frequently to the popular press and is the author of two national bestsellers: The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness (Penguin 2012) and Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash (Penguin 2015). His most recent book is Relax, Dammit!: A User’s Guide to the Age of Anxiety (Penguin Random House, 2020). Caulfield is also the host and co-producer of the award winning documentary TV show, A User’s Guide to Cheating Death, which has been shown in over 60 countries, including streaming on Netflix in North America.

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.

Rethinking sex, brain and gender: Beyond the binary – Dr Daphna Joel

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Rethinking sex, brain and gender: Beyond the binary - Dr Daphna Joel

Are the brains of women and men the same or different? Or maybe it’s the wrong question? Does the binary division extend beyond the genitalia into the human brain and mind? And why do we care? I devoted the past decade to answering these questions. With my lab members, we analyzed the structure of over 20,000 human brains, and the psychological characteristics of over 10,000 people. In this talk I’ll present the results of these analyzes and my conclusion – sex-related variables (e.g., hormones) affect brain structure and function, but these effects do not add-up consistently in individuals to create ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains or ‘natures’. Instead, each brain is comprised of a unique mosaic of both female-typical and male-typical features. Similarly, each individual possesses a unique mix of both feminine and masculine psychological traits. The brain and gender mosaic defies the mainstream binary understanding of gender and has practical implications for the way we understand ourselves and the world around us. I invite you to a fascinating look at the science of gender, sex and the brain, and how freeing ourselves from the gender binary can help us all reach our full human potential.

Daphna Joel is a professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, at the School of Psychological Sciences and the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel-Aviv University. She studies questions related to brain, sex and gender. In her research, Joel uses various analytical methods to analyze diverse datasets, from large collections of brain scans to information obtained with self-report questionnaires. In a series of papers, she has described and tested the ‘mosaic’ hypothesis. Other studies focused on the perception of gender identity and its relation to sexuality. Ongoing studies attempt to characterize the relations between sex and brain structure and function. She is also the author of Gender Mosaic: Beyond the Myth of the Male and Female Brain (2019, Little Brown, NY; Octopus, London).

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.