Controlled Human Malaria Infections: Infecting people in the name of health – Katharina Grabowski, Matteo Putra, and Jo Salkeld

Skeptics in the Pub Online Podcast
Skeptics in the Pub Online Podcast
Controlled Human Malaria Infections: Infecting people in the name of health - Katharina Grabowski, Matteo Putra, and Jo Salkeld

What is a Controlled Human Malaria Infection, and why are researchers at the University of Oxford and University of Edinburgh leaning on it to advance public health? Come along to a talk hosted by Katharina Grabowski and Matteo Putra to learn more about the ins and outs of this research approach, how it will be used to break new ground in understanding one of the most complex immune responses to an infectious disease, and how it could help save hundreds of thousands of lives by developing novel public health interventions alongside vaccines.

Katharina Grabowski (BSc, MSc) is a Research Assistant and Matteo Putra (BSc, MRes, MScR) a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh who are working with the Oxford Vaccine Group and Department of Biochemistry on an upcoming Controlled Human Malaria Infection clinical trial. This study aims to understand how people become immune to malaria so that we can learn how to protect the most vulnerable from disease. And as bizarre as this may sound, we think controlled infections are the answer! This ground-breaking approach to malaria control was recently awarded an Medical Research Council Experimental Medicine Grant. You can find out more at

The music used in this episode is by Thula Borah and is used with permission.