Newcastle Skeptics

Newcastle Skeptics will be back in the pub soon!

We need your help in relaunching Newcastle Skeptics in the pub! On Thursday 1st August we are meeting to play some skeptical games, share some skeptical treats and shape the future of the group.

Join us from 7.30 pm on Thursday 1st August in the Library at the Town Wall on Pink Lane, near Newcastle Central Station, to meet fellow skeptics and to shape the future of skepticism in the North East. We want to put a drink in your hand and hear from you:

  • What events do you want a local Skeptics in the Pub group to host? We’re open to anything from skeptical quizzes to live demonstrations of the deceptions behind seances.
  • There will be guest speakers, but who do you want to hear from, and what fields of knowledge do you want to learn more about?
  • Do you want to collaborate on skeptical projects? Is there a particular peddler of misinformation whose claims you think we should test?

All friendly humans are welcome. The main entrance to the Town Wall is wheelchair-accessible by use of a mobile ramp; let us know in advance (at or call the venue if you need wheelchair access.